Archive | Development


Development | pursue the counter-intuitive

Often our best development has us doing something that would not ordinarily occur to us to do. Here are 3 counter-intuitive development ideas for each Enneagram type. Ones Laugh at yourself. Make a purposeful mistake. Tell your inner-critic that you

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being truthful tmb

Development | being truthful

Although being truthful is essential in terms of knowing yourself, having integrity, and building trusting relationships, it is not always easy. Here are some ways we can become increasingly more truthful. Ones | While you value truthfulness, you also value

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Development | walking

Ones | Take a very slow walk, while fully experiencing every part of your body. You can notice your thoughts and feelings, but walk without holding onto them – that is, without repeating your thoughts or replaying your emotions, or

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Development | pain versus possibility

The push to feel less pain is a motivator, yet being pulled toward possibility is inspiring, empowering and transformative. To grow and develop, we need to acknowledge what pains or distresses us. To transform and sustain ourselves in this new

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Keys to freedom | part 3

What is our special key to freedom? One size does not fit all, but the Enneagram can enlighten us about what our unique key to freedom is about. In this 3rd part of the 3-part series, you can read reflections

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Keys to freedom | part 2

Freedom means you are unobstructed in living your life as you choose. ~ Wayne Dyer What is our special key to freedom? One size does not fit all, but the Enneagram can enlighten us about what our unique key to

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Keys to freedom | part 1

Freedom means you are unobstructed in living your life as you choose. ~ Wayne Dyer What is our special key to freedom? One size does not fit all, but the Enneagram can enlighten us about what our unique key to

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Development | self-reflection

Self-reflection doesn’t need to be a house of mirrors, but it can be when done in isolation, without structure or context. But when self-reflection is done as an integral and sequential part of this 6-step pause-play process, the growth possibilities

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Development | being enough

What stands in the way of our not feeling we are enough as we are, the shadows to our sunshine, are core fears related to our Enneagram types. Acknowledging and facing these fears, then adding new insights and behaviors help

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