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Development | diversity

Ones | What prejudices are you willing to give up about yourself? Can you imagine yourself spontaneous and free-spirited? Can you imagine being wrong more than you are right? Can you imagine yourself being fully accepting when you make a mistake? What prejudices are you willing to give up about others? Can you relax your well-formulated standards to be more open to a variety of ways of being excellent, fascinating, and responsible?

Twos | What prejudices are you willing to give up about yourself? Can you imagine yourself as tough and willful? Can you imagine being thoughtless and self-oriented more than you are now? Can you imagine yourself accepting that you are quite dependent on other people? What prejudices are you willing to give up about others? Can you relax your need for others to respond to you in a positive way because if they don’t, you don’t like them, don’t like yourself, or both?

Threes | What prejudices are you willing to give up about yourself? Can you imagine yourself knowing yourself accurately and honestly on an every-day basis? Can you imagine being in touch with and following your inner pulse to go toward what you deeply want, rather than what you think you should want? Can you imagine yourself as a person who is willing to experiment and take risks, even if failure may be the result? What prejudices are you willing to give up about others? Can you relax your need to associate only with people who appear confident, competent, savvy, and cool so you can engage with quality people who often come in a variety of forms?

Fours | What prejudices are you willing to give up about yourself? Can you imagine yourself as fun-loving, silly and light-hearted? Can you imagine not putting yourself down or comparing yourself to others? Can you imagine yourself feeling accepted rather than rejected, both by yourself and others? What prejudices are you willing to give up about others? Can you relax your need to only feel connected to people willing to have prolonged, deep, and personal discussions with you?

Fives | What prejudices are you willing to give up about yourself? Can you imagine yourself as fully integrated and whole: head, heart, and body? Can you imagine valuing emotion as much as logic? Can you imagine yourself engaging rather than withdrawing, standing on the center of the room rather than on the side? What prejudices are you willing to give up about others? Can you relax your tendency to protect yourself so you can engage in fascinating, exciting relationships with people who are warm, animated, expressive, and who like to stand close to you and touch you?

Sixes | What prejudices are you willing to give up about yourself? Can you imagine yourself without worry and with no need to constantly challenge ideas, authority, and other people’s motivations? Can you imagine yourself leading with trust rather than distrust? Can you imagine yourself being relaxed and “in your body” rather than “in your mind?” What prejudices are you willing to give up about others? Can you relax your need to know what someone is thinking or planning to do in advance and simply take people for who they are right in the present moment?

Sevens | What prejudices are you willing to give up about yourself? Can you imagine yourself focused and sitting still? Can you imagine embracing discomfort, pain and difficulty as much as you embrace pleasure and excitement? Can you imagine yourself knowing what to do with yourself when feeling under-stimulated without trying to adrenalize yourself? What prejudices are you willing to give up about others? Can you relax your constantly shifting attention to put your full attention to others who are different from you and have a less energetic temperament?

Eights | What prejudices are you willing to give up about yourself? Can you imagine yourself vulnerable, open, and strong? Can you imagine following your heart and your head as much as your gut? Can you imagine yourself being accepting when you don’t know what to do or when you need to lean on other people? What prejudices are you willing to give up about others? Can you relax your need to have others stand up to you and meet your big energy and learn to engage with others in a softer and more reciprocal way?

Nines | What prejudices are you willing to give up about yourself? Can you imagine yourself fierce, assertive and powerful? Can you imagine being really good with conflict directed at you? Can you imagine yourself expressing your real thoughts and feelings directly and in the moment? What prejudices are you willing to give up about others? Can you relax your preconceived ideas about what it means to be pushy and rude so that others who are strong, vibrant and direct are really appealing to you?

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