The 9 Enneagram types have certain values they hold dear, values that guide their thinking, emotional responses and behaviors. What if each Enneagram type also embraced a core value from one of its arrow lines. What a difference this could make!
From their arrow line of type 4, type 1s can add the value of Authenticity, something 4s hold dear. What is the value of embracing this value? 1s can dig deeper inside when they are being overly polite when, in fact, something more true is going on inside.
From their arrow line of type 8, type 2s can add the value of Boldness, something 8s hold dear. What is the value of embracing this value? 2s, instead of stepping back or being self-effacing, can move forward into more visibility and higher impact.
From their arrow line of type 9, type 3s can add the value of Peace, something 9s hold dear. What is the value of embracing this value? 3s, instead of constantly engaging in activity and hiding their anxiety from others, can stay still, engage in being, and experience increased inner peace.
From their arrow line of type 2, type 4s can add the value of Service, something 2s hold dear. What is the value of embracing this value? 4s, instead of focusing primarily inwardly, can also focus outwardly just as often, then intuiting how to contribute and be of service to others.
From their arrow line of type 7, type 5s can add the value of Spontaneity, something 7s hold dear. What is the value of embracing this value? 5s, instead of being self-contained and self-restrained, can move into freedom of movement, expression, feelings and more.
From their arrow line of type 3, type 6s can add the value of Recognition, something 3s hold dear. What is the value of embracing this value? 6s, instead of acting like they are not enough or sitting in the shadow of the group or tribe, can “own” their true capabilities, as well as their need and their right to be acknowledged for their contributions.
From their arrow line of type 1, type 7s can add the value of Responsibility, something 1s hold dear. What is the value of embracing this value? 7s, instead of behaving as if they can and should be able to do everything – and at any time they want – can embrace being more focused, more consistently timely and, in the end, more productive.
From their arrow line of type 5, type 8s can add the value of Restraint, something 5s hold dear. What is the value of embracing this value? 8s, instead of feeling the need to constantly expand their potency and territory and to continuously confront or break rules, can show deliberation and make thoughtful choices regarding what action to take and to not take.
From their arrow line of type 6, type 9s can add the value of Insight, something 6s hold dear. What is the value of embracing this value? 9s, instead of fogging over or minimizing their true thoughts and feelings, can honor their astute perceptions and embody their perspectives.
Ginger Lapid-Bogda PhD, the author of seven Enneagram-business books, is a speaker, consultant, trainer, and coach. She provides certification programs and training tools for business professionals around the world who want to bring the Enneagram into organizations with high-impact business applications, and is past-president of the International Enneagram Association. Visit: |
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