What’s obvious; what’s not | Type 6
Sometimes stating the obvious can be a good reminder about each Enneagram type; sometimes we forget what is most apparent. There are also aspects of each type that are not-as-obvious, yet quite intriguing. This 9-part blog series, one for each Enneagram type, reviews three central and obvious aspects of each Enneagram type. You can also use the YouTube link below to hear and see three non-obvious features of this type.
What’s obvious
Loyalty is a word that often describes Sixes; they are loyal to their friends, those whom they trust, their organizations and more. But are they always loyal? On one hand, Sixes can be loyal to a fault, refusing to acknowledge something in another person or an organization that does not truly deserve their loyalty. On the other hand, once trust has been lost – and this can happen instantly – Sixes go from high trust and loyalty to intense distrust and disloyalty, and it is near impossible for this trust to be regained.
Sixes have an abundance of skepticism, asking “what if” questions frequently, becoming wary when they hear simplistic answers to what are complex problems, and veering into distrust before trust, particularly when they perceive someone or the organization as having an implicit, hidden agenda. This skepticism also contributes to their being excellent problem solvers, as they think through many possible scenarios as a way to plan for potential obstacles.
Sixes have a unique relationship to authority figures, particularly ones to whom the Six has proximity. On one hand, Sixes want and expect authority figures to help them feel safe, to use their power fairly and justly, and to make environments supportive for them and for others. On the other hand, Sixes are doubtful that authority figures will act humanely and effectively. Some Sixes live in this uncomfortable ambiguity on a continuous basis, while other Sixes look to authority figures and their desires, trying to please them so as to not get in trouble. Still other Sixes act as if they don’t care about authority figures – although they do – and flaunt their counter-authority tendencies in sometimes bold and even brazen ways.
What’s non-obvious
Humor | Why are so many comedians Sixes?
Insight | Want to learn how to separate a Sixes’ keen insights from projections?
Inner committee | Many of us have inner advisors; Sixes have a committee! Why?
Ginger Lapid-Bogda PhD, the author of seven Enneagram-business books, is a speaker, consultant, trainer, and coach. She provides certification programs and training tools for business professionals around the world who want to bring the Enneagram into organizations with high-impact business applications, and is past-president of the International Enneagram Association. Visit: TheEnneagramInBusiness.com | ginger@theenneagraminbusiness.com
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