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Famous Enneagram Ones: Hillary Clinton and Jerry Seinfeld

WORLDVIEW: The world is imperfect; I must correct this. ONES seek a perfect world and work diligently to improve both themselves and everyone and everything around them. Discerning and judging, quality-focused and responsible, organized and resentful, Ones structure their worlds

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The Enneagram and Presence

Read about how each of us, based on our Enneagram styles, tend to move away from presence, blocking our capacity to be all of what we are capable of being. Whether you are a leader, coach, consultant, trainer, parent, or

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The Enneagram is Everywhere!

It seems the Enneagram is everywhere, and I had a wonderful time in Hong Kong at the International Enneagram Association-China Conference in Hong Kong, where I gave the endnote as well as three presentations, in September 2009. One of the

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Coaching Book Out Early!

  My new book, Bringing Out the Best in Everyone You Coach (McGraw-Hill 2009), came out a month early (an amazing event in the publishing industry) and is doing great in every way! It is highly ranked on Amazon; after

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The Enneagram According to Pooh

  Although I write almost exclusively on the business applications of the Enneagram, I also get many requests for a small piece I wrote about Winnie the Pooh and how the characters fit into the nine Enneagram styles. Here is

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