Archive | 9 types


Rumi Poem | Type 7

Rumi Poem | Type 7 I looked inwards And the beauty of my own emptiness Filled me until dawn ~ Rumi Why is this an important poem for type Sevens to use for reflection? Sevens search for continual external stimulation

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Rumi Poem | Type 6

Rumi Poem | Type 6 Once the seeds of faith take root It cannot be blown away Even by the strongest wind ~ Rumi Why is this an important poem for type Sixes to use for reflection? The Holy Idea

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Rumi Poem | Type 5

Rumi Poem | Type 5 Open your hands If you want to be held ~ Rumi Why is this an important poem for type Fives to use for reflection? Fives appear as if they need very little from others and

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Rumi Poem | Type 4

Rumi Poem | Type 4 You are not a drop in the ocean You are the entire ocean in a drop ~ Rumi Why is this an important poem for type Fours to use for reflection? Fours are continuously searching

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Rumi Poem | Type 3

Rumi Poem | Type 3 That which is false troubles the heart But truth brings joyous tranquility ~ Rumi Why is this an important poem for type Threes to use for reflection? The Threes’ passion, aka their vice, is deceit.

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Rumi Poem | Type 2

Rumi Poem | Type 2 Love yourself completely Return to the root of your own soul ~ Rumi Why is this an important poem for type Twos to use for reflection? Twos – at least, most Twos – are adept

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Rumi Poem | Type 1

Rumi Poem | Type 1 If you are irritated by every rub How will you be polished? ~ Rumi Why is this an important poem for type Ones to use for reflection? Ones search for serenity and acceptance, yet their

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Development | suffering

Topic of the month | suffering All the world is full of suffering. It is also full of overcoming. ~ Helen Keller Suffering is part of the human condition. Some suffering we cause ourselves; some suffering is a result of

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Spring cleaning for each type

Spring cleaning is real; most closets are filled with things we don’t use much or no longer fit us, and although it takes effort to go through the closet and make decisions, I always feel good after the effort has

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The value of values | type 4

The value of values | type 4 Values are the guiding principles by which we live or, at least, they are aspirations that help us align our actions with our principles. Without values, we would be living in an immoral

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