Archive | Coaching

May #1 Blog thumbnail Image

What makes a great team: part 3 | attunement

How to attune your team How do you access the collective wisdom of the Heart Center of Intelligence to attune your team? Every team, if they want to become high-performing, needs to create a collective felt sense of being in

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April #2 thumbnail Image

What makes a great team: part 2 | alignment

How to align your team How do you access the collective wisdom of the Head Center of Intelligence to align your team? Every team, if they want to become high-performing, needs to create a collective mind-share, a way of aligning

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April #1 thumbnail Image

What makes a great team: part 1 | the AAA model

What makes a team go from just OK to good? What helps a good team become a great one? I use a simple concept called AAA: alignment, attunement and acceleration. I was first exposed to the first two elements of

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March #2 Blog Thumbnail Image

Metaphors and the Enneagram

We love using metaphors in our Enneagram work, whether it be training programs, coaching, books, social media, and the list goes on and on. There is a very good reason for this. From a neuroscience perspective, metaphor activates more parts

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feb Blog Thumbnail Image

Enneagram-Based Organization Work: The 3 Pillars

Enneagram work in organizations is serious work that requires knowledge and skills beyond knowing the Enneagram at a basic level. Here are some thoughts from my three decades of organizational work using the Enneagram. REQUIRED FOR ALL INDIVIDUALS USING ENNEAGRAM

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Jan Blog Thumbnail Image (3)

Typing Gifts and Typing Potholes

Lately, I’ve been supporting a number of people in their ability and agility in guiding people to their Enneagram type. In doing this, some patterns have emerged about the ways in which each of us, depending on our Enneagram type,

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The Four Agreements (Don Miguel Ruiz) | Body center types

This third blog in a three-part series of provocative techniques help us examine our firmly-held beliefs and assumptions. The Four Agreements based on the work of Don Miguel Ruiz is a deep and penetrating way to do this. This approach

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The Work (Byron Katie) | Heart center types

This second blog in a three-part series of provocative techniques help us examine our firmly-held beliefs and assumptions. The Work by Byron Katie is a powerful and clarifying way to do this. This approach can be used with Enneagram types

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What if challenge-Head center-01

What If Challenges | Head Center types

This first blog in a three-part series of provocative techniques help us examine our firmly-held beliefs and assumptions. The What If Challenges are surprisingly simple, yet have the potential for a deep impact. This approach can be used with Enneagram

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Insights about Insight by Mary Maddock

In the following blog from Mary Maddock, her insights about insight are applicable to learning the Enneagram, discovering type, training, coaching, consulting, problem solving, and more!  ~ Think about a time when from nowhere, you had a moment of brilliance

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