Rumi is a 13th century Persian poet who has captivated the minds and touched the hearts of the modern-day Enneagram community, among others. In this first of a 10-part series inspired by his poems, one that speaks specifically to each
Archive | Spirituality
”Maya” and the enneagram
Friday, September 27, 2013
“Maya” is a word with many meanings, some of which have a positive connotation and other definitions, not so much. For example, “maya” means the power by which the universe becomes manifest, the creative spirit, the mother spirit. But “maya”
To Lie or Not to Lie, Is That the Question?
Wednesday, February 27, 2013
Sometimes I do programs on Enneagram type and lying, but more often I mention it during my sessions and the reason lying most often arises as an issue in relationship to Threes and Eights. Here’s why. Because “deceit” is the
Music, the Environment, and the Creation of Sacred Space
Tuesday, February 5, 2013
I am most interested in what creates the container of sacred space in organizations and the redesign of work to be more holistic. Some might hypothesize it is a collection of individuals who take responsibility for their lives, and this