Archive | Training

June #2 Blog thumbnail Image

Parables, teams and the Enneagram

The word parable has several meanings, but all definitions of a parable share this in common. A parable: a story or illustration that coveys an important principle. These two parables, one a Swahili proverb and the other a quote from

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June #1 Blog thumbnail Image

Psychological safety in teams

To bring the Enneagram into organizations, there has to be enough psychological safety for participants to be willing to open up and be self-revealing in a group or team environment. There are seven main factors involved: There are organizational factors

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May #2 Blog thumbnail Image (1)

What makes a great team: part 4 | acceleration

How to accelerate your team How do you access the collective wisdom of the Body Center of Intelligence to move your team forward? Every team, if they want to become high-performing, needs to accelerate, moving as a collective whole. Accelerating

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May #1 Blog thumbnail Image

What makes a great team: part 3 | attunement

How to attune your team How do you access the collective wisdom of the Heart Center of Intelligence to attune your team? Every team, if they want to become high-performing, needs to create a collective felt sense of being in

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April #2 thumbnail Image

What makes a great team: part 2 | alignment

How to align your team How do you access the collective wisdom of the Head Center of Intelligence to align your team? Every team, if they want to become high-performing, needs to create a collective mind-share, a way of aligning

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April #1 thumbnail Image

What makes a great team: part 1 | the AAA model

What makes a team go from just OK to good? What helps a good team become a great one? I use a simple concept called AAA: alignment, attunement and acceleration. I was first exposed to the first two elements of

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March #2 Blog Thumbnail Image

Metaphors and the Enneagram

We love using metaphors in our Enneagram work, whether it be training programs, coaching, books, social media, and the list goes on and on. There is a very good reason for this. From a neuroscience perspective, metaphor activates more parts

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March #1 Blog Thumbnail Image

How to handle natural and unnatural disasters when teaching

We are living in a time where horrific things are occurring, some ‘natural,’ some ‘unnatural’ – meaning totally created by human beings – and some a combination of both. As trainers, as Enneagram professionals, what do we do when a

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feb #2 Blog Thumbnail Image

Training for Retention

When we teach the Enneagram, are people retaining what we teach? How do we know? Content matters, but so does the teaching methodology. There’s retention research that points us to the answer. The Learning Pyramid not only shows how people

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