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Development | gratitude

Focusing on real gratitude has healing properties for each of us. Within our Enneagram types, we have plenty for which to feel grateful. All it takes is a shift in our focus of attention.

Ones | Being grateful for the talents and discipline you bring to everything you do; being grateful for your exquisite pleasure when you hear beautifully composed and played music or art; and being grateful for your profound sense of excellence even when something or someone is not entirely perfect.

Twos | Being grateful for your powerful attunement to other people; being grateful for the people you cherish; and being grateful for the times when you attend to and truly take care of yourself.

Threes | Being grateful for your ability to manifest and move forward; being grateful for your being able to learn from experience; and being grateful for the chosen moments where you are relaxed and allow yourself to simply be.

Fours | Being grateful for the tremendous amount of resources that are within you; being grateful for your ability to inspire yourself and others; and being grateful when you allow yourself to absorb and integrate affirmations from yourself and others.

Fives | Being grateful for your clear mind; being grateful for your ability to understand complexity; and being grateful for the robust and sensitive emotional world inside you that is just below the surface.

Sixes | Being grateful for your edgy sense of humor; being grateful for your ability to perceive and navigate the complexities of life; being grateful for your inner wisdom that you offer others and, when you are open, offer yourself.

Sevens | Being grateful for your contagious enthusiasm; being grateful for your ability to perceive the positive; and being grateful when you go inside and discover the beauty and complexities of your inner world.

Eights | Being grateful for your ability to handle complex, challenging situations; being grateful that you have learned how to stand up and be counted on; being grateful for the times you have allowed yourself to be vulnerable and there have been people in your life who could support you.

Nines | Being grateful you know how to enjoy the simple pleasures in life; being grateful that you know how to relax and enjoy yourself; being grateful when you have allowed yourself to find your voice and express it fully.

Ginger Lapid-Bogda PhD, the author of four best-selling Enneagram-business books, is a speaker, consultant, trainer, and coach. She provides certification programs for professionals around the world who want to bring the Enneagram into organizations with high-impact business applications, and is past-president of the International Enneagram Association. Visit her website: TheEnneagramInBusiness.com. ginger@theenneagraminbusiness.com

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