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Enneagram Styles and CONSTANCY

A new Insight Activity by Gerry Fathauer, Senior Member of the Enneagram in Business Network (EIBN): Constancy is a state that places us squarely in our center. Living with our attention in all three centers – head, heart and body – is a benefit of constancy. It is also a prerequisite.

We live in a state of constancy when we remain present in all three centers and connected to that which is Greater than ourselves. This connection anchors within us a steadfast certainty of who and what we are. As you read, consciously place your attention in all three centers. Bring your awareness to who you are in this moment. Knowing who we are is essential to constancy.

Now allow your awareness to shift to what’s happening around you. Constancy gives us the capacity to be present to ourselves and to others regardless of our surroundings. Constancy is, in a way, the capacity to rely on constancy in our being: to be present in our constancy enables stable and reliable actions and interactions with one another.

What would constancy as a way of being look like in your life? Are you able to rely on your constancy when working with clients? How might you assure you function from a place of constancy in your professional and personal relationships?

Living in constancy grants the capacity for the presence and surety our world so desires. Consider how we, as islands of constancy, may contribute to constancy among peoples and nations.


In thinking through and writing a blog from Gerry’s Insight Activity, I realized that constancy is directly related to the passion (recycling emotional habit) of each Enneagram style. This is part of the fun of writing blogs: new understandings!

Enneagram One Constancy Challenges
Observing, intercepting and balancing your tendency to be reactive, particularly when you feel angry (the passion of Anger)

Enneagram Two Constancy Challenges
Feeling a core sense of internal constancy no matter how you perceive others as responding to you, whether it is a positive or negative response (the passion of Pride)

Enneagram Three Constancy Challenges
Not knowing (and not showing to others) who you really are because you may not even know it yourself (the passion of Deceit)

Enneagram Four Constancy Challenges
Destabilizing your sense of constant self by comparing yourself with others and coming up deficient, superior or both (the passion of Envy)

Enneagram Five Constancy Challenges
Making yourself smaller than you actually are by contracting your energy and engagement with others (the passion of Avarice)

Enneagram Six Constancy Challenges
Becoming so panicked or so counter-reactive that you lose your inner sense of constancy (the passion of Fear)

Enneagram Seven Constancy Challenges
Becoming so drawn to and craving new, stimulating or distracting external people and events that you lose your sense of inner constancy (the passion of Gluttony)

Enneagram Eight Constancy Challenges
Pursuing our desire for an excessive amount of whatever distracts you from your constant self (the passion of Lust)

Enneagram Nine Constancy Challenges
Feeling wobbly in your constancy because your are paying insufficient attention to what you want, need and think (the passion of Laziness)

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