Rumi is a 13th century Persian poet who has captivated the minds and touched the hearts of the modern day Enneagram community, among others. In this final blog of the series, the focus is on Enneagram type Nine, using the Rumi poem above. As for all of the Rumi poems in this series, the message, hopefully, speaks to all of us, no matter what our enneatype.
Type Nine’s place is on the very top of the Enneagram symbol, and this placement represents many aspects of the Enneagram that are true for Nines, but also true for us all. One of these aspects is the notion of “being asleep” and “being awake.” In the world of “being conscious,” we are all “asleep,” some of us more than others. As we pursue our growth and transformation, we become less ”asleep” and more “awake.” “Asleep” refers to deadening ourselves in a variety of ways, not being in touch with our true natures, living in nine different versions of reality distortions, and more.
Nines are referred to as types who “went to sleep,” specifically referring to numbing their vitality as they loose touch with their somatic selves, allowing their opinions, desires, and emotions – especially anger – to go sub-surface. All of this is done for the sake of keeping the peace, not making waves, preserving relationships, and minimizing conflict, and most of it is unconscious rather than deliberate.
However, as Nines get in touch and keep in touch with their deepest self – and this can be difficult and exhausting at first – they come into their vibrancy and going back to sleep is no longer possible. Staying awake, fully awake, becomes their challenge, but then the door becomes wide and open.
Ginger Lapid-Bogda PhD, the author of five best-selling Enneagram-business books, is a speaker, consultant, trainer, and coach. She provides certification programs for professionals around the world who want to bring the Enneagram into organizations with high-impact business applications, and is past-president of the International Enneagram Association. Visit her website:
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