Archive | January, 2012

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Enneagram Fours: Giraffe

Why did I select the giraffe to represent Enneagram Fours? There are a number of reasons. First, each giraffe is unique, although to the uninformed eye, they may look like every other giraffe. Second, they are extremely awkward animals but,

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Enneagram Threes: Wildebeest (gnu)

Do you know what a wildebeest is? Do you know what it looks like? If you live in Africa (or specifically South Africa), you likely know the answers to these questions. They are actually a type of antelope, a hooved

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Newt Gingrich: Is America Ready for a Leprechaun President?

As Newt Gingrich laments his descent from the highest polling of all the Republican presidential candidates, at least in Iowa, to 4th place, the Enneagram has a great deal to offer in our understanding of the steep and slippery slope

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Enneagram Styles and Balance

Gerry Fathauer has written this beautiful Insight Activity on Balance as a way to begin the New Year. Gerry, a Senior Member of the Enneagram in Business Network (EIBN), has a gift of the “word,” as you can read in

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