Sometimes I do programs on Enneagram type and lying, but more often I mention it during my sessions and the reason lying most often arises as an issue in relationship to Threes and Eights. Here’s why. Because “deceit” is the
Archive | February, 2013
Discussing the Undiscussable with the Enneagram
Monday, February 25, 2013
From recent work I’ve been doing, my attention has gone to noticing something subtle and blatant about the impact of the Enneagram both in individuals and groups – namely, to discuss the unnamed and often undiscussable in individuals, teams, and
Enneagram Type Wannabes and Wannanots
Tuesday, February 12, 2013
More than ever (although not all that frequently), I encounter individuals who go about the process of learning the Enneagram, typing themselves, thinking they have their type accurately, and then, they don’t. Some of these people really want to know
Music, the Environment, and the Creation of Sacred Space
Tuesday, February 5, 2013
I am most interested in what creates the container of sacred space in organizations and the redesign of work to be more holistic. Some might hypothesize it is a collection of individuals who take responsibility for their lives, and this