Mary Bast was the inspiration for my blogs on leadership agility, both this 2nd blog as well as the prior blog. Here I am using Mary’s ideas to illuminate how to use the Enneagram to increases leadership agility through vertical
Archive | July, 2015
Leadership agility and the enneagram | part 1
Tuesday, July 21, 2015
Mary Bast – an Enneagram colleague who is herself a teacher, author, consultant and coach – asked if I had any blogs about the Enneagram and leadership agility. My answer to her was “Not yet,” but the connection seemed like
Development | gratitude
Wednesday, July 1, 2015
Focusing on real gratitude has healing properties for each of us. Within our Enneagram types, we have plenty for which to feel grateful. All it takes is a shift in our focus of attention. Ones | Being grateful for the