Archive | September, 2019


What’s obvious; what’s not | Type 3

What’s obvious; what’s not | Type 3 Sometimes stating the obvious can be a good reminder about each Enneagram type; sometimes we forget what is most apparent. There are also aspects of each type that are not-as-obvious, yet quite intriguing.

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What’s obvious; what’s not | Type 2

What’s obvious; what’s not | Type 2 Sometimes stating the obvious can be a good reminder about each Enneagram type; sometimes we forget what is most apparent. There are also aspects of each type that are not-as-obvious, yet quite intriguing.

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What’s obvious; what’s not | Type 1

What’s obvious; what’s not | Type 1 Sometimes stating the obvious can be a good reminder about each Enneagram type; sometimes we forget what is most apparent. There are also aspects of each type that are not-as-obvious, yet quite intriguing.

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Development | Intuition

Development | Intuition   Often you have to rely on intuition. ~ Bill Gates But can you rely on your intuition if you haven’t yet tapped into it or have blocked it in some way? Here are some thoughts for

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