Archive | April, 2013

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Somatic Advice for Twos | A Guest Blog by Peter O’Hanrahan

Twos have this wonderful quality: the invitation to connect that is communicated through their facial expressions, body language and tone of voice. I try my best to meet them but am often a bit clumsy in my response. They are

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Somatic Advice for Ones | A Guest Blog by Peter O’Hanrahan

When I meet Ones, I am struck by their intentional goodness and how this organizes their body language and posture. Being good includes being orderly and self-disciplined. I respect their self-control and yet, I worry about how much effort this

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Somatics and the Enneagram | An Interview with Peter O’Hanrahan

The more I work with people with the Enneagram and development, the more I have concluded that bodywork and somatics is the most underemphasized and a missing core ingredient in our development psychologically and spiritually. I have also noticed that

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Leadership "Practices"

The Inuksuk in Canada can represent leadership, cooperation, human spirit, or be a guidepost of a special symbolic location. This month, let’s explore some daily routines or practices that help us be more whole as leaders, embodying the different layers

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