Type 1 | EGO STRUCTURE Illustrated below is the Ego structure for type 1: the specific false reality, the unique worldview, the ego ideal, the deep unmet longing, the thirst and avoidance, and the primary defense mechanism. Part 6 blog
Archive | May, 2018
What is Enneagram type | Part 4
Monday, May 14, 2018
MORE ABOUT EGO STRUCTURES In addition to the higher level architecture that is true for all 9 types, all Enneagram types also have a specific pattern of thinking (fixation) and feeling (passion), predictable behavioral patterns but in three variations based
What is Enneagram type | Part 3
Tuesday, May 8, 2018
WHAT IS EGO STRUCTURE? Each of the nine Enneagram types has its own Ego structure, but there is a higher level architecture that is true for all 9 types: a specific false reality, a unique worldview, an ego ideal, a
Development | courage
Tuesday, May 1, 2018
Courage is being scared to death…and saddling up anyway. ~ John Wayne Real courage is not avoiding what scares us most, then thinking we are full of courage. Neither is courage doing something terribly risky for the primary purpose of