Archive | November, 2016


Topic | moving thru anxiety (body center)

Anxiety is normal, a warning sign that something is wrong and that we need to be alert. During these troubling times, being vigilant is essential. However, we have to be vigilant in a way that doesn’t consume us, paralyze us,

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Topic | moving thru anxiety (heart center)

Anxiety is normal, a warning sign that something is wrong and that we need to be alert. During these troubling times, being vigilant is essential. However, we have to be vigilant in a way that doesn’t consume us, paralyze us,

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Topic | moving thru anxiety (head center)

Anxiety is normal, a warning sign that something is wrong and that we need to be alert. During these troubling times, being vigilant is essential. However, we have to be vigilant in a way that doesn’t consume us, paralyze us,

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Dealing, healing and resilience

Normally, I try to stay on the sidelines of political blogs, the exception being a situation that feels extraordinary. These are such times. The recent US presidential elections took many people by surprise and in shock, the ramifications of such

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Development | silence

Silence comes in many forms; it’s not just about the absence of externalized words. It is being silent and still in both your outer and inner spaces. It is a cultivated state of being, and here are some ideas for

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