Follow the path to self-discovery and acceptance and learn to interact effectively with other people using this complete Enneagram App as your guide. Why an Enneagram iPhone App? That is the question I asked myself before I embarked on
Archive | January, 2011
Enneagram Fixations: Habits of Mind
Monday, January 17, 2011
A habit is something we do repeatedly without thinking about it. There are constructive and destructive habits, yet they are so ingrained in us, that all “habits” are worth reconsidering so we are choiceful about what we do. I’ll
Fives in Film
Monday, January 10, 2011
What do the films, The Social Network and the two Steig Larsson films – The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo and The Girl Who Played with Fire – have in common? 1. They are incredibly good films 2. Their
Enneagram Styles and Spontaneity
Monday, January 3, 2011
This blog was inspired by Gayle Hardie’s insight about Spontaneity. I have added how each of us, depending on our Enneagram style, has obstacles and opportunities to being truly spontaneous. Experience tells me that the gift of spontaneity lights