Learn to lessen your primary defense mechanism | Type 5 After our most recent 9-part blog series on the topic of how our defense mechanisms serve as guardians of our type-based ego structures, many people asked for ideas about how
Archive | May, 2020
Learn to lessen your primary defense mechanism | Type 4
Monday, May 18, 2020
Learn to lessen your primary defense mechanism | Type 4 After our most recent 9-part blog series on the topic of how our defense mechanisms serve as guardians of our type-based ego structures, many people asked for ideas about how
Learn to lessen your primary defense mechanism | Type 3
Thursday, May 14, 2020
After our most recent 9-part blog series on the topic of how our defense mechanisms serve as guardians of our type-based ego structures, many people asked for ideas about how to work with and lessen our defense mechanisms. This new
Topic of the month | idle chatter
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Topic of the month | idle chatter Words that are thought or spoken “with no purposeful intent at all” ~ Thanissaro Bhikkhu What words fall into the territory of “idle chatter?” Doesn’t all chatter have a purpose? Bhikkhu’s concept of