Archive | July, 2019


Rumi Poem | Type 6

Rumi Poem | Type 6 Once the seeds of faith take root It cannot be blown away Even by the strongest wind ~ Rumi Why is this an important poem for type Sixes to use for reflection? The Holy Idea

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Rumi Poem | Type 5

Rumi Poem | Type 5 Open your hands If you want to be held ~ Rumi Why is this an important poem for type Fives to use for reflection? Fives appear as if they need very little from others and

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Rumi Poem | Type 4

Rumi Poem | Type 4 You are not a drop in the ocean You are the entire ocean in a drop ~ Rumi Why is this an important poem for type Fours to use for reflection? Fours are continuously searching

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Development | Take Back Your Power

  ‘I got my OWN back.” ~ Maya Angelou   Giving away our power to another, especially but not only, to those who pretend to be gurus, does not support our wholeness. In personal relationships and in our interactions with

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