In this guest blog by Tom Hattersley, member of the EIBN (Enneagram in Business Network), you get to read about a phenomenal process for reconciling type-based inner polarities. Tom discovered this process by chance – or was it? Tom’s Blog
Archive | August, 2012
What it Really Takes to Be a Great Enneagram Teacher!
Wednesday, August 22, 2012
At first, I was going to title this blog “What it Really Takes to be a Great Enneagram Teacher in Organizations” when I realized something important: a great teacher is a great teacher, no matter the venue. What does make
Why Getting Your Type Accurately Really Matters
Monday, August 13, 2012
I often say and believe that knowing your Enneagram type number is not the end goal of learning the Enneagram – it is a step on the path towards personality integration – opening, accessing, and aligning our three centers of
Enneagram Styles and CONSTANCY
Monday, August 6, 2012
A new Insight Activity by Gerry Fathauer, Senior Member of the Enneagram in Business Network (EIBN): Constancy is a state that places us squarely in our center. Living with our attention in all three centers – head, heart and body