Archive | Typing


Enneagram type-based core growth motivators

Core motivators matter for two reasons. In coaching, the coach can help his or her client identify and access these core motivators to make sure that the coaching aligns with these. When these core growth motivators are not present, the

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Confirming enneagram type

Here are three type-confirming questions for each Enneagram type, to be used once a person has done a preliminary identification of his or her type. These questions can also be used to help individuals who have narrowed down their type to

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Finding home | in search of type

When I meet people who may have their Enneagram type identified incorrectly, there are subtle and not so subtle clues they give off that indicate what they think their type is may not be accurate. Here are a few things I’ve

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Enneagram typing | type 6-3-1 confusions

Typing is tricky; helping people to navigate the Enneagram system and accurately identify their own type is an art and a science. The more we know (and I mean really know) about types, subtypes, centers of intelligence, somatics, emotional patterns,

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Enneagram typing | type 3-6-9 confusions

In helping hundreds of people identify their Enneagram types, I’ve noticed that often enough, there are some individuals who get confused about whether their type is 3, 6 or 9. Sometimes it is a confusion among all three types; at

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Enneagram typing | competency triad differentiating questions

Helping so many people over the years accurately identify their enneatypes has helped me refine my questioning approach so that people learn more about the types, more about themselves and, then, hopefully, more about how to determine which type best

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Enneagram typing | a defining characteristic for each type

To help clients, friends, program participants, family members and even strangers on an airplane identify their types more accurately, I have found that certain characteristics help people do this better. Of course, this comes only after they have learned about

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Enneagram teachers beware | the power we have

The degree and range of power those learning the Enneagram give teachers is astounding. It’s really more about the power of the Enneagram, what it enables us to do, and its complexity. They admire us for our knowledge, the self-work

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