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How to be a great coaching client part 3 | body center clients 8, 9 and 1

To accelerate the positive impact of your coaching success, clients of each type can use the coaching experience and their reactions to coaching itself as a guide for their development. This 3rd blog in the three-part series offers possibilities for clients in the Body Center of Intelligence, types 8, 9 and 1.

Eight clients
Be patient with, and learn patience from, the coaching experience. Action may not occur immediately, and if it does, it may not be the wisest course to take.

Be willing to share your softer, more vulnerable side with your coach. Make a commitment to this on an ongoing basis, constantly working on your ability to be more self-disclosing. This will help you both become more comfortable doing so and recognize that real strength comes from being fully human. This includes feeling strong and also allowing yourself to feel vulnerable.

Make sure you select a coach who will not feel intimidated by you, but remember that personal strength comes in many forms. Be wary of testing your coach at the earliest stages of coaching.

Nine clients
Select a coach who will help you stay focused on the central agenda of the coaching.

If you feel angry or frustrated at any time during the coaching or if you have strongly held opinions about a topic being discussed, take the risk to discuss these thoughts and feelings with your coach. This is excellent practice for behavior that you will want to incorporate in arenas outside of coaching.

Work with your coach to put clear and rigorous time frames and deliverable outputs on your coaching goals. Both you and your coach can then hold each other accountable for delivering the results you say you want.

One clients
If you become discouraged by some of the feedback you receive, remember that reactivity to perceived criticism is a growth area for most Ones. Be watchful when you become self-critical or engage in defensive behavior in order to keep yourself from feeling you have done something terribly wrong; allow the coach to help you with this should it occur.

Keep in mind that the time spent in coaching sessions will be of great benefit, but it does take time to see longer-lasting results. You are very likely to experience positive results at various stages of coaching, but the more far-reaching impact may not occur until the end of the coaching process.

Let your coach take equal responsibility for the success of the coaching, rather than your feeling you are responsible for the outcomes; when you share the responsibility, you can relax more and share control of the coaching with the coach.

Ginger Lapid-Bogda PhD, the author of seven best-selling Enneagram-business books, is a speaker, consultant, trainer, and coach. She provides certification programs for professionals around the world who want to bring the Enneagram into organizations with high-impact business applications, and is past-president of the International Enneagram Association. Visit her website: TheEnneagramInBusiness.com. ginger@theenneagraminbusiness.com

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