We offer several certificate programs you may be interested in taking. Our two coaching programs are both ICF (International Coaching Federation) Level 1 accredited and each comes with 50 ICF credits toward an ICF coaching certificate and can also be used as CCE credits for ICF coaching certificate renewals. All programs are IEA (International Enneagram Association) accredited and come with credit hours toward IEA Enneagram Professional Accreditation.
I am a coach (or aspire to be), so which program should I choose?
Coaching with the Enneagram 1.0 (based on “Bringing Out the Best in Everyone You Coach”) fully integrates coaching and the Enneagram. It is a dynamic, highly experiential program for people who either are coaches already or who know the Enneagram and want to become coaches. In addition, it works extremely well for experienced coaches who already know the Enneagram and comes with ample hands-on materials to use with your coaching clients. (50 ICF Level 1 or CCE credits and 60 credits toward IEA Enneagram Professional Accreditation)
Advanced Coaching with the Enneagram 2.0 is a deep dive into coaching with the Enneagram and is designed for past participants of Coaching with the Enneagram 1.0 or coaches with at least three years of full-time coaching integrated with the Enneagram and who know the Enneagram system and their own type well. What you learn from this program, along with the materials you’ll receive, will have a profound impact on your clients. (50 ICF Level 1 or CCE credits and 60 credits toward IEA Enneagram Professional Accreditation)
I want to learn more about how to provide Enneagram training to groups and teams in organizations or in public programs, so which program is best for me?
We offer three different Train-the-Trainer (TTT) programs, each one with a different focus. All TTTs come with beautiful PowerPoint slides, an abundance of training materials, and focus on theory, applications of the Enneagram, trainer skill building, and interactive training activities for you to use with clients. All include a typing component.
The core TTT, The Power of the Enneagram at Work (based on “Bringing Out the Best in Yourself at Work”), teaches you how to train others in the most important applications of the Enneagram: communication, feedback, conflict, leadership and teams. (58 credits toward IEA Enneagram Professional Accreditation)
The second TTT, Build Wise, Talented, and Humble Leaders with the Enneagram (based on “What Type of Leader Are You?”), focuses entirely on leadership development. It teaches you how to develop exemplary leaders through the Enneagram combined with specific leadership competencies: Drive for Results, Strive for Self-mastery, Lead High-performing Teams, Make Optimal Decisions, and more. (58 credits toward IEA Enneagram Professional Accreditation)
The third TTT, Team Transformations, (based on “Transform Your Team with the Enneagram”), and goes into depth showing you how to train and consult to groups and teams using the Enneagram integrated with team-based theory and practice. It also includes how to work with team leaders to optimize their performance and comes with PowerPoints and two Enneagram symbol maps, one for the wall and one for the floor. (58 credits toward IEA Enneagram Professional Accreditation)
What program teaches me skills in typing and teaching the Enneagram?
The Art of Enneagram Typing and Training (based on “The Art of Typing”) focuses on typing skills in depth and also teaches you how to teach the Enneagram systems and the 9 types. This program comes with PowerPoint slides, skill practice with feedback and teaches the art of telling stories as a teaching technique.
Do you offer a program that helps me go into a deeper understanding of my type and my own development?
Yes, Being in Essence is that program. It helps you examine your type, your shadow – please remember that “shadow” doesn’t refer only to negative qualities – and even helps you understand your type and development through using your dreams. Even more, you get a special Enneagram symbol floor map and opportunities galore to explore your essence on the map.
Is there a particular order in which I should take the programs?
No, there is not a particular sequence. All programs do need participants to have a basic familiarity with the Enneagram system and their own type. In addition, Coaching with the Enneagram 1.0 is usually taken before attending Advanced Coaching with the Enneagram 2.0.