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How can people of each Enneagram type increase their ability to respond effectively, with agility, with integrity, and in ways that serve them and others well? Each type needs to release something and embrace something else!


Ones need to release their over-reliance on self-control and rule-following and embrace their full heart and spontaneous actions.


Twos need to release their over-responsiveness to the needs and reactions of others and embrace their inner will, which is stronger than steel and more flexible than aluminum.


Threes need to release their over-adherence to how they think they should respond and embrace the truth of their hearts.


Fours need to release their intense belief that something is wrong with them and embrace their deepest spirit from which pure response flows.


Fives need to release their over-reliance on minimalism in responsiveness and embrace their ability to sing as if no one can hear them and to dance as if no one is watching.


Sixes need to release their over-reliance on doubt of self and others and embrace their faith and courage to be able to navigate just about anything.


Sevens need to release their confusion of impulsivity with spontaneity and embrace focused, deliberate and conscious choice.


Eights need to release their intense belief that they have to be responsible for everything that occurs around them and embrace their inner, innocent child.


Nines need to release their overly strong need for comfort at all costs and embrace their free, fully embodied spirit.

Ginger Lapid-Bogda PhD, author of eight Enneagram books, is a speaker, consultant, trainer, and coach. She provides certification programs and training tools for business professionals around the world who want to bring the Enneagram into organizations with high-impact business applications. TheEnneagramInBusiness.com | ginger@theenneagraminbusiness.com

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